Opening Thursday 5th October as part of PhotoHastings festival 2023. @photohastings
Twilight is the space between the familiar and unknown, the comfortable and sinister as light and dark meet and become one. This time between times has for centuries been an inspiration for artists interpreting the transient subtleties of diminishing light as it succumbs to darkness.
When the Dust Settles explores this liminal moment. Focussing on the visual and alchemical quality of the transition from day to night, where the ordinary becomes something magical and other-worldly, creating a suspension of time in space.
Private View: Friday 6 October, 6 – 8pm all welcome.
Exhibition open: 5 – 8 October 2023, 11am – 5pm
Featuring 11 Artists: Jon Allen @jonallenphotos| Imogen Bloor @blurred_imo | Anne Mason @anne_image_mason | Lauris Morgan-Griffiths @laurismorgangriffiths | Roger Hopgood @hopgoodroger | Ian O’Leary @ian0leary | Alison Bettles @alisonbettles | Derek Cottrell @derekcottrell | Neale Willis @nealewillis | Mango Collins @mangocollins | Agnieszka Szuba @tales_of_mist_and_light
Image: Alison Bettles, From the series Lux