26 – 29 October 2023
“We are coming together for a painting experiment where the traditional canvas, the surface to be painted, doesn’t hang on the wall and instead, is made into garments, borrowing our bodies as temporary supporting stretchers.”
Live performance starts at 2.00 Saturday 28 October with a Q&A to follow and a celebratory private view.
The artists participating in this project: Abi Stockbridge @abi_stockbridge, Caroline Gregory @carolineagregory, Emma Harding @ehmosaics, Helen Savage @helen__savage, Lesley Barker @lesleybarker8642, Luiza Machado @luizamachado2591 and Neale Willis (in absentia) @nealewillis.
Live Performance 2pm Saturday 28 October
Private View 28 October 2-5pm
Exhibition open 26, 28, 29 October, 11-5pm