Time Spins

site specifc interventions christian gode & elisabeth sonneck preview friday 26.07.19 6-9pmexhibition open 27, 28 july 1-5pm and by appointment until 11.8.19

Repeat After Me

The war to end all wars that wasn’t. WW1. The supposed dawn of a peaceful age foreshadowed instead a century of repeated conflict; global migration; technology; memory; megalomaniacs; murderers; mercenaries and money makers. On show are works including film, poetry, photography, painting and sculpture. Artists:Susan HamerSusan Harbage PageAndy MasheterMaslen & Mehra + Shuby and DeleteJohn… Continue reading Repeat After Me


South Coast Artistsan experimental installation by SoCo Artists & friends 22 and 23 September 11am-5pm Private View: 21 September 6pm-8.30pm Feet are the things that hold us upright and allow us mobility.SoCo Artists and friends present a diverse collection of Feet, made from a variety of materials including wood, paper, ceramics and textiles. SoCo Artists… Continue reading Feet

Self Comes To Mind

Opening night Friday 7th September, 6pm-9pm Exhibition open 8 & 9 and 15 & 16 September, 1-5pm or by appointment

Memorial Device

Preview Friday 31 August 2018, 4pm-9pm Exhibition open 1 and 2 September 2018, 10am-8pm Further information www.memorialdevice.com

On The Fly

site specific interventions Elisabeth Sonneck & Christian Gode Preview Saturday 21.07.18 5-8pm Exhibition open 22, 28 & 29 July, 1-5pm and by appointment www.elisabeth-sonneck.dewww.christiangode.de

Sea Road

A road suggests something hard and tangible, which if we follow it for long enough, will take us to where we want or hope to go. A sea road, in contrast, suggests something invisible to the human eye, something intangible that exists more in the imagination. Roads are lines drawn: concrete and simple to understand.… Continue reading Sea Road